The Agile Campus
Is The New Normal

When you work with Noodle you’re not outsourcing, you’re working collaboratively towards a more flexible, more responsive, more resilient university.

Made Sense

The first generation of online programs ran separately and side-by-side with the same on-campus programs.

This model allowed fledgling programs to establish themselves, and institutions to better understand what differentiates online offerings (e.g. students may start most online programs several times a year, rather than waiting for up to a year). But keeping the online and on-campus programs separate squanders resources (two marketing efforts bidding against one another) and makes lives more complex for students and faculties.

Noodle agreements are built to facilitate consolidation–one tech stack, one instructional design team, one marketing and recruiting effort–to improve both programs while gaining efficiency.

It’s Time For
Integrated Programs

As you build a great online program, we can help you leverage its technology, support team, instructional resources, and marketing systems to transform your on-campus program.

Not only will this reduce costs, but it will give students and faculty great tools to improve teaching and learning.

Further, it will make your programs more resilient and flexible. An on-campus student might take a single course online, or a professor might teach a semester from another country.

And, of course, an agile approach allows you to address a pandemic, or just a storm, more easily.

And It's Time For
Simpler Management

Are you using technology most effectively to improve and streamline on-campus operations? Because we can invest millions of dollars in technology on behalf of multiple universities, we can help you make your entire college or university agile, and improve capacity, efficiency, and resilience across all of your programs.

With a few of our partner universities, we are building out the first generation of Centers for Digital Transformation on campus, co-staffed by university stakeholders and Noodle experts with support from our full Noodle team. There, we will drive online and agile programs, and look for opportunities to improve traditional programs as well as online offerings.

Further, we can share a team over two or three schools to keep costs low.